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keywords:Industrial washing machine industrial dehydrator industrial dryer industrial ironing
Garment dyeing and sock dyeing machine series

50 pound to 500 pound clothing dyeing and sock dyeing machines

  • Dyeing Machine
  • 50 pound to 500 pound clothing dyeing and sock dyeing machines

一、(Main Technical specifications)(S)

                       Dye vat bore size
                       Overall dimensions

二、Product Introduction


This garment dyeing and sock dyeing machine is suitable for washing cotton, wool, chemical fibers and other clothing in service industries such as sock factories, printing and dyeing factories, washing and dyeing shops, and water washing factories. After washing, the clothes are thoroughly cleaned of oil stains, without fading, wrinkles, shrinkage, and susceptibility to decay. They can also maintain their original softness, straightness, and bright luster.

This dry cleaning machine uses the commonly used tetrachloroethylene (C2CL4) as the washing liquid, with strong cleaning ability. The electrical part is controlled by a computer board, and the main components are made of stainless steel or non-ferrous metal by stamping and refining with molds. In China, high-temperature galvanizing technology is adopted, greatly enhancing the machine's corrosion resistance.

This dry cleaning machine absorbs foreign technology, is reliable in use, easy to operate and maintain, and is an ideal washing equipment.

Contacts:Chen Yingchun Mobile:13305263777 13921703632 (Same number of mobile wechat)

Tel:0523-86552777,86552888 Fax:0523-86588830 E-mail:manager@tzcyc.com

Add:28 Xingfeng East Road, Hailing District, Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province

copyright:Taizhou Tongjiang Washing Machinery Factory 【Disclaimer】

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